Monday, November 18, 2013

Humans, Organizations and Failed Systems

What human behavior in organizations contribute to problems in implementing automated systems: 

Here are some of the ideas the blog will discuss in the coming weeks. 

• Willful Gullability
• Irrational Optimism
• Executive Impatience
• Defying the laws of Projects: Requirements Creep: schedule, project management, contracting, cost estimation, software development life cycle, testing, deployment, sustainment, and reporting)
• Willful Suspension of Logic & History
• March to the Tune
• Mistaking Cheerleading for Substance
• Fake Stoplight Charts: liars, damn liars and bogus pretty charts
• Lying by Scorecard: “We Can’t Show The Executives All These Red Scores”
• Who Needs Lengthy Analysis?
• True Believers vs True Thinkers
• Whistling Past The Graveyard of Failed Easy Answers To Complex Problems
• The Light At The Beginning Of The Tunnel
• On Sausage Making
• You’re Just Being Negative
• Arrogance of Personal Abilities
• Ignoring The Obvious
• Down The Rabbit Hole: Alternative Reality
• Top-Down Thinking In A Bottom-Up World
• Project $hell Game$$$
• Lemmings & Teams
• Don’t Let The Truth Interfere With A Good Story
• Criminal Misdiagnosis

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